Letter no. 6
Dear F: thanks for your letter. I have your letter below and I will seek to answer it little by little. Hi, She wrote" I will start with the muslim girl .you say she is a cultural muslim but I dont accept this because there is no this kind of islam.As I understand she is a muslim but she doesnt live as muslim.A real muslim loves Allah and five times a day muslims talk with Allah with the help of salah(our daily ritual).Unfortunately , she is not a good example as a muslim. My response: You are right about the girl, but she does not want to know about Islam, or any other religion. Perhaps the terrorist activities of Muslims makes her question what she should do. I really don’t know. There is no 100 percent Christian country in the world. There are lots of Christians around the world–2 billion, but there is not a country with 100 percent Christians. She wrote: I only want you to read his articles about islam not his ideas about political event. He can have different idea about a political issue with Turkish government. I will try to find articles on his religious views. It seemed to me that he was a Sufi. But I could be wrong. Jihad doesnt mean that killg innocent people .you want to comment jihad what you want but jihad is a essantial part of islam but islam never say kill innocent people. our prophet say never kill women, old people ,children and people who hasnt a kind of gun even during a war. But unfortunatelly,some people who call them as a muslim but infact they are not a real muslim can do something but this is not about islam.A real muslim cant be terrorist and a terrorist cant be a muslim. My response Your idea of Jihad is different than what is said in the Qur’an. The idea of Jihad appears in 164 verses in the Qur’an and it involves fighting against someone, not against internal struggles .Here are three examples: ‘Fight those who do not believe in Allah...nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.’ 9:029 [8.65] “O Prophet! urge the believers to war; if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are a people who do not understand.” “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” (9.005) Your view about Islam is interesting. It is much better than the terrorists. However, there is nobody of fame in the Muslim world condemning the terrorists. The terrorist seem to be carrying out the commands in the Qur’an. Even today imams have said that women and children are targets because they are living in the “enemy state.” No prominent Muslim is denouncing jihad against the innocent. She wrote: When I have a chance I will explain what is jihad infact.At least time ,I will do it with the help of Allah. She wrote: I never want a chiristian becomes a buddist or atheist.Because being a chiristian is much more better that being a buddist or atheist. Finally ,you asked what happened to you if you died tonight? Of cource, only Allah knows what will happen to you .But with the help of Quran and our prophet(sav) I can say it probably you will go hell and after some time your penalty forgiven you can enter the heaven by the help of mercy of Allah, I hope. If we think the same thing for me.My sins and my good deeds will be weighted .if my good deeds becomes outweight by the mercy of Allah I will go to heaven but if it happens vice versa first I will go hell and after Allah forgives my sins I will reach the heaven. My response: Let’s talk about forgiveness first. To forgive someone means you don’t punish them. If Allah is going to forgive after people are punished that is not really forgiveness. If Allah is going to forgive, why not before the punishment rather than later? Why punish at all if Allah is going to forgive. This question does not bother me because I know my destiny when I die. I have complete confidence that I will enter the presence of God–not because of my goodness, but because of forgiveness which comes from God. Jesus talked about forgiveness and made a covenant, a testament to us in what is called the last supper with his disciples before being crucified. “God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn its people. He sent him to save them! No one who has faith in God's Son will be condemned. But everyone who doesn't have faith in him has already been condemned for not having faith in God's only Son.” (John 3:16-18) There are many more passages of Scripture giving assurance of life after death. I could give them to you if you wanted to read them. When I was a young person I came to know that I was a sinner and not bound for heaven. One day I asked Jesus to come into my heart and save me from my sins. There was an immediate change in my life. I was filled with joy. He has been in my life all the years since. God’s love does not force people to believe. This is one of the errors of Islam. God does not force people into heaven. People can choose to ignore God, and He lets them have their way. To ignore God is to choose isolation from God and Jesus described it as darkness. Forgiveness is one of the most important results of Jesus’ life in the world. If you want to know for sure, you won’t find it anywhere but in a relationship with Jesus right now, not later. I know that there are some ideas here that you will find difficult to accept. God can do anything He wants to do. It is not impossible for God to visit his creation in human form, in the person of Jesus, the Son of God. This being, known as Yahweh in the Old Testament, loves you and wants you to know Him personally now, as Savior, not later, as your Judge.
You are in our prayers, best wishes from Dallas and Elaine never agree with the people who think there is no stortage of food or anything.Because they need everything like you and me.Unfortunately ,you and jews have maney ,this means power.Power means you can make people believe what you think is right.but this doesnt change the reality.We cant do anything to change the situation but I hope our politicians may solve the problem and pray for this. You wrote: First of all, when I started to read I felt as if I was reading a story book and some parts were full of information about family background.But I was reading quran I felt that I was interested and had very different subjects. (1.24)In our holy Mary and Joseph didnt married.I dont believe this. Because he only helped Mary not married with her. My answers: You need to think about the situation for Mary and Joseph for a moment. What would have happened to her if she appears in public, pregnant, and without a husband? Verse 25 says that they did not have sexual relations before she brought forth her first born son. It does not say “only son” since she had other children, boys and girls, mentioned later in the Gospel. The Virgin Birth refers only to Jesus. He only is the person mentioned by the angel. Later the people questioned Jesus and asked: “Isn't he the carpenter's son? Isn't Mary his mother, and aren't James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas his brothers? Aren't all his sisters living here? Where did he get all this?” (Matthew 13:55-56) These records pre-date Mohammed’s time. There is no need to think of anyone corrupting the manuscripts before Mohammed’s time. There was no need to think about it. I am not aware of the Qur’an’s claim that Mary was always without other children after Jesus. There is nothing in the 3rd sura that would imply that. There is an interesting beginning of the sura: “He hath revealed unto thee (Mohammed) the Scripture with truth, confirming that which was revealed before it, even as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel.” So the Qur’an affirms the authenticity of the Gospel. This will become a problem for our discussion.
(2.1)It is very interesting that ,before our prophet was born there were many sighs and one of them was about the stars.This shows that Muhammed(sav) is also is a prophet like Jesus.Like Jesus ,the religious leaders of Jews and Christians know that the last prophet was born the exact day he was born in.I dont know English name but there was a chiristian priest BAHIRA met him when he was a young boy.He said this reality to his uncle and said him went away to protect him from some jews and chiristians.Because he said they know him (appearance and character) like their own brothers and sisters. My reply, the story you refer to is this: “The youthful Mahomet, with the rest of the caravan, alighted under a tree by the roadside, close to a monastery or hermitage occupied by a monk called Bahira. The monk perceived by a cloud which hovered over the company, by the boughs bending to shelter one of them, and by other marvellous tokens, that the party contained the prophet expected shortly to arise. He therefore invited them to an entertainment. But when they had assembled, he perceived that the object of his search was not amongst them. Upon his enquiring where the wanting guest was, they sent out for Mahomet, who on account of his youth had been left to watch the encampment. Bahira questioned him, examined his body to discover the seal of prophecy, and found it plainly impressed upon his back. He then referred to his sacred books, found all the marks to correspond, and declared the boy to be the expected apostle. He proceeded to warn Abu Talib against the Jews, who he said would at once recognize the child as the coming prophet, and out of jealousy seek to slay him. Aba Talib was alarmed, and forthwith set out for Mecca with his nephew.”(http://www.answering-islam.org/Books/Muir/Life2/chap1.htm) There are many problems with the story. First and very serious is the idea of a seal of prophecy on his body. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible relating to a body symbol of a prophet. What you will find in the Bible is something of the following: “The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests that were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin: to whom the word of Yahweh came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign. It came also in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, unto the end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, unto the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month. Now the word of Yahweh came unto me, saying,..”.(Jeremiah 1:1-4 “ Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. In the fifth day of the month, which was the fifth year of king Jehoiachin's captivity, the word of Jehovah came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of Yahweh was there upon him. (Ezekiel 1:1-3) Prophets were not recognized by physical shape, but by the Word they preached. Sunan of Abu Dawud Narrated Qurrah ibn Iyas al-Muzani: What was on Mohammed’s back? A mole with spots, a skin eruption, some kind of unusual physical formation, a birth mark? There is nothing to indicate that this indicated his being a prophet anymore than a person having a big nose is a genius. Many people have birth marks on their bodies and this does not mean anything. There is a passage in the book of Revelation relating to the mark of the beast, but I don’t think you would want to go there. Second, monks were not always known for their knowledge of Scripture. (2.9)Can you describe how they worshiped the Jesus? Because we only worshipped Allah not their prophets.one more question,Have you ever read the third surah whose name mary. Because that there are lots of similarities.This is very interesting ,isnt it? My reply: There is little that I can say except that they prostrated themselves before Jesus. This act is only right if the rest of the story of the Gospels is correct, namely, that Jesus is the Son of God, or God embodied in human form. The other problem relates to the birth of Jesus when the Qur’an says, “He will speak unto mankind in his cradle and in his manhood,...(3:47) There are other references to this in the Qur’an. What is at issue is the idea of revelation? Revelation means one learns something that could not be known before, like the Creation of the Universe, whether Jesus is the Son of God? What is the nature of God? We cannot know these things apart from it being revealed. The story of Jesus speaking in the cradle is an older story than the Qur’an. Mohammed apparently heard a lot of stories from Jews and Christians which are incorporated into the Qur’an as revelation. But they were known before. So they cannot be revelation, and in some cases the stories are not true. There is a story in the Qur’an about Jesus molding the image of a bird, and then breathing into it, and it became living, and flew off. That story circulated about the traditions about Jesus, but the Gospel of John says that Jesus did his first miracle at Cana in Galilee. So both stories cannot be true. There may be other questions as you read along and I will try to answer them. My answers are never meant to be offensive. I realize that much of this may be new to you. My wife and I join our hearts together frequently in praying for you. Blessings, Dallas Another letter hi, Fair enough. The problem we face in this discussion is this: what is the basis for what we believe. I believe the Bible contains God’s word to us. You believe the Qur’an does. How can we evaluate it? Is it true to history? Does it contradict history? If history said one thing and the Bible something totally different I would have a problem, and so would you. I do not accept traditions about Jesus, nor about Mohammed, nor about anyone else. There are over 600,000 hadiths about Mohammed. I don’t know the number of traditions about Jesus, but I don’t think they are that many. It is easy to make up hadiths and traditions. What is important for my faith is the Bible–does the Bible give a basis for believing what someone says. You have a right to ask me where in the Bible that is said or declared. You said: My response: first, is there any place in the Bible that talks about a mark of the prophet on his back or on his hand? Do they list a source for this? Or, is this merely tradition? Second, the question of the book of Barnabas. Have you read the Book? The book of Barnabas is a 16th century fraud probably written by a disgruntled monk who was angry with the Pope because he was not being advanced in his position. The author of the book of Barnabas was never in Palestine, Israel, and was not familiar with the land. There are so many historical errors in the book it is unfortunate that Muslims in Pakistan have been printing it and using it to confuse Christians. If you were interested in my review of the book I can send it to you. One example is that Nazareth is regarded as a sea port. It is a long way from water.
. You said: My reply: You have been taught that the Qu’ran is the miracle of Mohammed. What is this miracle? A person can claim that something is miraculous but what is the proof of it? It is difficult for me to raise questions in your comments. They may hurt your feelings but we are searching for truth. What do you know about the actions of Mohammed? Have you read the life of Mohammed by ibn Ishaq? This is one of the earliest and most reliable ones. You mentioned his speech. There is a difference in what Mohammed said in Mecca before he came to power, and after he came to power in Medina. The Mecca comments are peaceful and conciliatory to his enemies, or those who rejected him. The Medina comments are forceful, revengeful, and jihad oriented. What ones are correct? I have answered this above. My response: There is no historical truth to the claim that the Gospel of Barnabas is a first century document. Only a Muslim propagandist would assert that, and he would have nothing to prove it. The Muslims were not aware that such a book existed until modern times when the Sales translation of the Qur’an into English made them aware of it, around the 17th century. Muslim sites seek to establish some basis for the book, but none of the documentation is found in the evidence they claim for it. The last questian about why do you love and protect the jews? Do you believe that they have a holy book which is never changed ? I mean is it a valid holy book or your holy book is the only correct and valid holy book? If you believe that old testement never changed ,then why God sent another holy book? My response: I am a little puzzled by the question about loving and protecting the Jews? Are you referring to a national policy? Me? I am not protecting anyone. I would like to have Jews come to Jesus, their Messiah, and have forgiveness and the promise of everlasting life just as I would like to have Muslims come to Jesus and have forgiveness and everlasting life. The second part of your question is about another holy book? The issue is not another holy book, but the climax of events prophesied in the Old Testament. Beginning with Abraham, Yahweh declared that all nations would be blessed through his progeny. In the various books of the Old Testament a Messiah is foretold that he would be born in Bethlehem, he would be the Son of God, he would be crucified and rise from the dead, in his death he would make a new covenant and give the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who received him, and with this gift everlasting life. The New Testament is the recording of the fulfillment of these events. Some of this is expressed in the book of Hebrews in the New Testament: “Long ago in many ways and at many times God's prophets spoke his message to our ancestors. But now at last, God sent his Son to bring his message to us. God created the universe by his Son, and everything will someday belong to the Son. God's Son has all the brightness of God's own glory and is like him in every way. By his own mighty word, he holds the universe together. After the Son had washed away our sins, he sat down at the right side of the glorious God in heaven.”( Hebrews 1:1-3) The New Testament finishes the story began in the Old Testament. It is the continuation of the story. There is more of the story to unfold since Jesus declared that He would return and a great judgement would take place. (Matthew 24-25) Did you find a Turkish New Testament to read? Have you gotten through the Gospel of Matthew yet? Thanks, Fedima, for writing and I am always interested in your questions. My wife and I continue to pray for you. You might tell me something of your family so we can pray for them as well. Blessings, Dallas
Thank you for your all efforts, Number 3 You wrote: My reply: First, you must understand that civil law and religious law are separate. Not so in Islam. People do divorce in America in the civil court. People who are committed to Jesus believe that divorce is wrong and the words of Jesus are still true. But divorce is Not an unforgiveable sin. Later on you will read Jesus’ response to a question by the Pharisees: Marriage is not to be taken lightly. Wherever there is divorce it is often the woman who loses so much. There is a sense of equality in the words of Jesus. More on that later. You wrote: My response: There are people who struggle with this verse like you have done. The problem is that the word Love means so many things in English. There are 4 words for love in the Greek New Testament. The one used here is agapao, this is the word used for Yahweh loving the world. Many people think that loving someone means you have to like them. You can love someone without liking them, and what they do. The word agapao has the idea of bestowing value on some one. Yahweh loves the world, meaning he bestows great worth on you and me even when we don’t deserve it. Even while we are sinners He loves us and wants the best for us. You wrote: My response: I really don’t have two. Think about the passage below. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life!" Jesus answered. "Without me, no one can go to the Father. It may help you to understand that the Creator, the Infinite, visited His creation, and the only way this can be understand is to have Him in the form of a human. God took human form. There is a oneness between the Father and the Son. If this seems a problem to you, remember that many Muslims teach that there is an eternal Qur’an in heaven. An eternal Qur’an and Allah makes two, not one. You wrote: You wrote: 5.The Narrow and Wide Gates My response: This is a very meaningful paragraph on your part. You are talking about one of the great differences between Islam and committing your life to Jesus. The rules and the good works that you have to do leave you wondering--did I do enough? Am I passing the test? How will I know? And one never knows when it is up to you. There is a test in the Christian sense but it is vastly different. Let me quote some verses that speak of the difference. It is not up to you, but dependent on Jesus. “But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become children of God, even to them that believe on his name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13) “ For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior. Those who believe in the Son are not judged; but those who do not believe have already been judged, because they have not believed in God's only Son. (John 3:16-18) “for by grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, that no man should glory.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) The difference is not in doing good works to please Yahweh, but in accepting what He has done for you. He offers forgiveness, everlasting life in His presence, and that life begins the moment you receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus wants you to know Him and you can have a relationship with Him and His confidence that you have everlasting life. You wrote: Letter 4 You wrote: HI, My response: You mentioned that Mohammed did miracles. The source that you gave me for his miracles speaks of his doing over 300 miracles of all kinds. I mentioned before that there are over 600,000 hadiths about Mohammed. Muslim scholars have generally regarded only about 2500 as true and authentic. This leaves a lot of room for non-historical fantasy about Mohammed. The issue of miracles is one area of these fantasies. If the Qur’an is really revelation and Muslims believe that it is, then the Qur’an rejects the idea of Mohammed doing any miracles at all. Here are some of the verses. “And they that know not say, 'Why does God not speak to us? Why does a sign (ayatun) not come to us?' So spoke those before them as these men say; their hearts are much alike. Yet We have made clear the signs (bayyanna al-ayati) unto a people who are sure.” S. 2:118 “Yet if thou shouldst bring to those that have been given the Book every sign (ayatun), they will not follow thy direction; thou art not a follower of their direction, neither are they followers of one another's direction. If thou followest their caprices, after the knowledge that has come to thee, then thou wilt surely be among the evildoers.” S. 2:145 “They also say, 'Why has no sign (ayatun) been sent down upon him from his Lord?' Say: 'Surely God is able to send down a sign (ayatan), but most of them know not.'” S. 6:37 “They have sworn by God the most earnest oaths if a sign (ayatun) comes to them they will believe in it. Say: 'Signs (al-ayatu) are only with God.' What will make you realize that, when it comes, they will not believe?” S. 6:109 “They say, 'Why has a sign (ayatun) not been sent down upon him from his Lord?' Say: 'The Unseen belongs only to God. Then watch and wait; I shall be with you watching and waiting.' “S. 10:20 “The unbelievers say, 'Why has a sign (ayatun) not been sent down upon him from his Lord?' Thou art ONLY a warner, and a guide to every people.” S. 13:7 “Then, it may be that you will give up part of what is revealed to you and your breast will become straightened by it because they say: Why has not a treasure been sent down upon him or an angel come with him? You are ONLY a warner; and Allah is custodian over all things.” S. 11:12 Shakir You wrote: THE SECOND SUBJECT IS ABOUT IBN ISHAQ.I DIDNT HEAR THIS NAME BEFORE BUT I SEARCH IN THE WEB.I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT'S THE PROBLEM ABOUT HIM.IF YOU SEND WHAT HE SAID ABOUT HZ.MUHAMMED .I WANT TO LEARN AND SEARCH THIS PROBLEM. My response: Ibn Ishaq, a devout Muslim, wrote one of the early biographies of Mohammed. In the book he describes the life of Mohammed, his wars, his treatment of people, his killing of about 900 Jewish men in Medina, his surprise attack on various towns and settlements, his various wives, and his marriage also to Aisha when she was 6. The response of some Muslims is that Mohammed could do no wrong, or evil, or sin even though everyone else regarded it as sin. In other words they regard Mohammed as being above ethical standards. My purpose in raising the book of Ishaq was to ask: what do you know about the real Mohammed? There is a Mohammed of history, and a Mohammed of fantasy as reflected in the miracle stories which the Qur’an rejects. It is a hot day out. I started working outside at 7:30 before the heat came. I hope your day is good and the weather is not too hot. Blessings and prayers, Dallas < |